The Customer Experience Journey
What and how you offer your products and services affect how your customers interact with you and experience your brand.
Your customers interact with policies, processes and workflows, they interact with websites and apps, speak with company representatives and they interact with your products or services. Your customers also interact with a plethora of information all at different points in their journey. Do you know how your customers feel about their journeys? Are they useful, usable and effective or are they awkward, painful and frustrating? These journeys can be designed to be purposeful, intentional and create an experience that your customers love. |

Need It
Customer may or may not know they have a need. How do you attract both types of prospective buyers? Are you selling to them or engaging them in meaningful ways? Do you understand their needs, motivations and trigger points?

Research It
You know that everyone researches online before they buy, go somewhere or do something. It’s called the zero-moment-of-truth. This interaction is one of the key moments in the customer experience journey that Kydak calls the “moments of truth.” Own this moment of truth!

Try It
Customers want to touch and feel your product or service. Whether it is a free trail, sample, test drive, demo or other experience, how do customers convert from this exemplary product or service experience? You may know how many do or don’t convert but do you know why?

Buy It
Customers have done their research, need your product or service and are ready to buy, but on average 68% abandon the shopping cart experience. At what frequency do customers choose not buy your product or service after they’ve initially made a decision to buy? Know why your potential customers don’t buy!

Use It
Customers buy your product because it meets a need, solves a problem or entertains them, among other reasons. Are your products useful, usable and a pleasure to use? Are they connected to a broader context of experiences your customers are exposed to? Your product or service should be simple, elegant and easy-to-use!

Support It
Typically customers need help with your product or service. Are they taken through a list of phone tree prompts, directed to self-help on the Internet, use an online chat tool or engage via a call center? Your support channels should engage and empower your customers to be successful with your products and services.

Share It
A loyal customer is invaluable. They are your most credible source and testament to the value of your products or services. As a company how do you leverage their enormous pool of word-of-mouth knowledge and praise? Is it easy to share and rave about your company?
There are many customer experience journeys inside your company. It is too complex and unwieldy to try to attack it all at once. If there is a customer experience journey, workflow or processes that you wish to improve, lets begin the discussion!