Your idea has moved into the next phase and you’re ready to build your product, website or app! This is where the design rubber hits the proverbial road. Kydak works with you to create a useful and elegant solution that is visually appealing and easy-to-use and meets your customer's needs.
Kydak offers UX solutions to help move your app or website into the marketplace:
Kydak rapidly explores multiple ideas to ensure we have the right solution before refining the concepts and focusing on a single design. We create workflows, mockups, wireframes and documentation that your developers need.
After designing the right solution, Kydak can build a prototype of your idea and place it in front of customers to receive valuable feedback in a very quick timeframe. Prototyping enables you to find issues earlier in the process while it’s less expensive and faster to change. Benefits include:
Creative Inspiration - When you see your ideas in action, it creates new ideas and sometimes, helps eliminate existing ideas that aren’t working.
Testing - Both the interactions and visual design can be tested before development resources are applied. This can save you invaluable time, thousands of dollars on rework or building the wrong solution.